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受到大卫·桑伯恩的严重影响,乐器演奏家贾德.阿罗西梅纳华盛顿阿尔托女高音萨克斯管演奏家,在90年代和新千年主要专注于流畅的爵士乐和交叉爵士乐;其他对贾德的演奏有直接或间接影响的其他萨克斯管演奏家(阿尔托、男高音、女高音)包括小格罗夫·华盛顿、纳尔逊·兰赫尔、罗尼·劳斯和乔治·霍华德。Jaared 能够演奏其他类型的器乐,包括融合、灵魂爵士乐和后波普,他对 R&B 并不陌生。但光滑,抛光,和顺的流畅爵士乐是他最出名的风格,特别是在爵士乐圈。

贾里德1967120日出生于.华盛顿,虽然他在弗吉尼亚州贝德福德长大。贾德在七岁时就开始学习萨克斯管。患有儿童哮喘的贾雷德在医生的推荐下接受了治疗。弹风仪似乎是哮喘患者最不想做的事情,但事实上,Jaared的医生敦促他这样做,以加强他的肺。这位.C在青春期前还是个青春期前的人,当他第一次听到广受欢迎的桑伯恩时,桑伯恩成了他的主要影响者。还有许多其他萨克斯球员,他听了,而他长大了,他们包括格罗夫华盛顿,小,靴子兰道夫,王牌大炮莱斯特年轻思想的男高人斯坦格茨。但桑伯恩的阿尔托对他的影响比什么都重要,在贾雷德在80年代中期成年后,桑伯恩的影响力依然存在,并活跃在华盛顿特区.C的音乐界(在那里他与艺术家们一起演奏,从去 funk 乐队E.U.Ju Ju House到玛丽·安·雷德蒙德,一个优秀的灵魂/摇滚歌手,如蒂娜·特纳和埃塔·詹姆斯的台词)。



Heavily influenced by David Sanborn, instrumentalist Jaared is a Washington, D.C.-based alto and soprano saxophonist who has focused primarily on smooth jazz and crossover jazz in the ‘90s and the new millennium; other saxophonists (alto, tenor, soprano, or otherwise) who have had a direct or indirect impact on Jaared's playing include Grover Washington, Jr., Nelson Rangell, Ronnie Laws, and George Howard. Jaared is capable of playing other types of instrumental music, including fusion, soul-jazz, and post-bop -- and he is no stranger to R&B. But slick, polished, and easygoing smooth jazz is the style that he is best known for, especially in jazz circles.

Jaared was born Jaared Arosemena in Washington, D.C. on January 20, 1967, although he grew up in Bedford, VA. That was where Jaared began studying the saxophone at the age of seven. Jaared, who suffered from childhood asthma, took up the sax at the recommendation of his doctor. Playing a wind instrument might seem like the last thing that an asthmatic would want to do, but in fact, Jaared's doctor urged him to do exactly that in order to strengthen his lungs. The D.C. native was still a pre-adolescent when he first heard the popular Sanborn, who became his primary influence. There were many other sax players he listened to while he was growing up, and they ranged from Grover Washington, Jr., Boots Randolph, and Ace Cannon to the Lester Young-minded tenor man Stan Getz. But Sanborn's alto affected him more than anything, and that strong Sanborn influence remained after Jaared reached adulthood in the mid-‘80s and became active on the Washington, D.C. music scene (where he has played with artists ranging from go-go funk band E.U.'s Ju Ju House to Mary Ann Redmond, an excellent soul/rock singer along the lines of Tina Turner and Etta James).

Although Jaared has had his share of R&B gigs, the East Coast musician chose to concentrate on smooth jazz when he began recording albums of his own in the early 2000s (a time that also found him touring the United States extensively as a sideman and featured soloist for smooth jazz guitarist Peter White). Foreward, Jaared's debut album, was released on Marimelj/Lightyear in 2001. Each one of his following releases -- Hangtime (2002), Addiction (2008), and Manhattan Nights (2010) -- was commercially successful.

杜银鲛妮基・萨克斯马克·希菲尔 Marc Sieffert杨雪涛田梦昕王有为吴元会谷兆明宁大勇阎舜舟王嘉禄张钰德张雅婧林伟庭汤米 TOMMY ALVARADO任宇星王源白憬源 Kenny Baik郭钢达梅兹·纳巴班 DAMEZ NABABAN托米·普拉托莫 TOMMY PRATOMO宋始强肖恩·理查德/SEANNE RICHARD YARED贾里德.阿罗西梅纳/JAARED AROSEMENA李昂耶苏华·奎索/YESHUAH C. QUIZO胖胖.乔飞/JOEFRE CAPANGPANGAN吴正宇讓.皮埃雨.牧桐杰伊·赛勒斯·维兰纽瓦/JAY CYRUS V. VILLANUEVA赵世衡沈三锺李冰 吉拉文·汤特温 JIRAWIN TONGTEWIN吴越欧春玲李孝明/LEE HSIAO MING金永浩金京熙金暎镐郑在玹全丙雨庄清霖