杜银鲛 妮基・萨克斯 马克·希菲尔 Marc Sieffert 杨雪涛 田梦昕 王有为 吴元会 谷兆明 宁大勇 阎舜舟 王嘉禄 张钰德 张雅婧 林伟庭 汤米 TOMMY ALVARADO 任宇星 王源 白憬源 Kenny Baik 郭钢 达梅兹·纳巴班 DAMEZ NABABAN 托米·普拉托莫 TOMMY PRATOMO 宋始强 肖恩·理查德/SEANNE RICHARD YARED 贾里德.阿罗西梅纳/JAARED AROSEMENA 李昂 耶苏华·奎索/YESHUAH C. QUIZO 胖胖.乔飞/JOEFRE CAPANGPANGAN 吴正宇 讓.皮埃雨.牧桐 杰伊·赛勒斯·维兰纽瓦/JAY CYRUS V. VILLANUEVA 赵世衡 沈三锺 李冰 吉拉文·汤特温 JIRAWIN TONGTEWIN 欧春玲 李孝明/LEE HSIAO MING 金永浩 金京熙 金暎镐 郑在玹 全丙雨 庄清霖
萧博阳 杨京翰 秦永刚 曹洁 王哲 汪成 李志 丛文军 王严 刘子明 薛方远 赵昌明 许世力 刘百祥 魏旭 杨二林 赵一诺 汪子涵 马骏 陈涛
“我吹过很多品牌的萨克斯,似乎总少了些什么。 他们说萨克斯管是一种不完美的乐器,但自从我拥有 Weissenberg 以来,它满足了我一直在寻找的一切。 Weissenberg 是我心中完美的萨克斯风,也是我唯一的选择。
-Jay Cyrus V. Villanueva
Jay Cyrus V. Villanueva,1985年出生于菲律宾棉兰老岛的一个小镇博尼法乔。他是两个兄弟姐妹中的老大,由严厉的祖父母抚养长大,他们的陪伴成长下成就了现在的他。
“I have played a lot of saxophones and it seems that there is always something missing. They say that the saxophone is an imperfect instrument, but ever since I had a Weissenberg I can say it ticks everything that I have been searching for. Weissenberg will be my forever saxophone. Perfect from all the rest! ”
-Jay Cyrus V. Villanueva
Jay Cyrus V. Villanueva was born in 1985 in Bonifacio, a small town in Mindanao, Philippines. He is the eldest among two siblings and was raised by his grandparents. Growing up with a firm and strict grandfather, Jay is who he is today because of him.
Early on, Music wasn’t really Jay’s first choice. He thought of taking Accountancy in College but since his father, who was then a traveling musician, really pushed him to take the same career path, Jay, being a respectful son, agreed to pursue Music instead. He only started formally studying music when he was 16 years old which is considered quite late by some standards but that did not faze him. He graduated with a degree in Music major in Piano and minor in Saxophone in Silliman University, Dumaguete City.
He started to play the saxophone when he was 18 years old. It was about that time that he played for the Silliman University Jazz Band. Since he did not own a saxophone, he kept on borrowing around until he finally owned one when he was 29 years old. Since then, Jay Cyrus has been a solo saxophone player since 2010 until the present. In 2012, Jay established his own Music School named after him. Jay Cyrus Creative Studios has grown to become one of the premiere music tutorial centers in Negros Oriental, Philippines.
Apart from running his Music School, Jay Cyrus had been the Music Director of Foundation University from 2010 to 2017. During the said stint, he led his band of musicians to break records and consistently win in band competitions around the province.
Today, Jay is a musical gem of Dumaguete City where he is currently based together with his wife and three children. A true visionary and a man of grit and integrity, Jay continues to be a jazz advocate in the Philippines and, most of all, a follower and servant of Jesus Christ.
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